Hello! If you have made it here, I know you are super excited to send us your beautiful creation. Trust us! We are equally happy to share your opinions with the world & publish your content.
You just have to follow two simple rules:
- Firstly your content should be Plagiarism free (up to 10% allowed). But, don’t worry, that won’t be the scenario since your opinions are as original and unique as you are!
- Secondly, your opinion and dissent should be backed by reasoning, facts, stats or substantive evidence. (We don’t want you to write citations, footnotes or even references, but we have to remain vigilant about agendas and fake news.
All submissions include a covering letter indicating the author’s name, the submission’s title, and the author’s email address. Articles submitted will be reviewed and edited by the Editorial Board under the supervision of the Editor in Chief.
We accept articles through Submission form or via email.
Once the author submits the article for the website, the submission(s) can only be withdrawn by the prior information to the Editorial Board via email with immediate effect. The writings received maybe then ignored for the publication/review process. No paper shall publish without a signed copyright form, and once a blog is published, it cannot be removed or withdrawn.
The Reviewers can ask the author for the alteration or revision of the manuscript to make it eligible for publication in our Journal. However, the author is bound to follow the guidelines of the reviewers for successful publication.
In case any query arises, feel free to write us at
contactus@theinternationalprism.com or
Access our submission page here
That’s all!
Once you have followed these instructions, send your writings to us ASAP, tell us under which column would you like to get them published, and the rest is our responsibility. You can sit back calmly now and enjoy your lemonade or tea or whatever you want.
Our team is here to back you up from adding exciting pictures, correcting you grammatically, editing your content, and publishing it live.
A friendly reminder, Although we use advanced SEO ( Search engine optimisation) to promote your writings, don’t forget to share them with your friends on your professional networks and social media.
We want you to unleash your creativity and insights. To ensure this, we have made various categories for YOU. Check them out on our home page under the Menu List. These categories are created keeping in mind that they promote knowledgable ventures, allow for cultural exchange and help us embrace the diversity on this planet.
So what’s stopping you! Let the world discover your ideas, opinions, and thoughts, for YOU matter.